how to grow white tail in DESI CHIK PEA (chana)?

Hello, as you all know the chick desi peas (chana's) are rich in protein and people eat as snacks and all the GYM freaks eat it as one time meal for protein.

Small and dark with yellow interiors, these guys are most popular worldwide. They have a thicker, more nutritious seed coat than the Kabuli-type 

Now according to title, i have to tell you, how to grow white tail in chana ?

1. Buy it.
> Buy the chanas(desi chick pea) from the market, buy it as per as your need. If you buy in a large quantity then there is no problem they were not getting expired easily.

2. Soak it. 
>  Now take chana (desi chick pea) in a bowl and fill it with water and leave it for  10-12 hours.

3. Store in moisture.
> After 10-12 hours of resting chana in water, put it in a plate, and take one hanky or small piece of cloth which is able to cover a plate, now wet that cloth or hanky and lay that cloth or hanky on that plate, fully cover it. And leave it for 24 hours rest in any safe room.
 Your chana look like this after this process.

After this proces of 2 days you white tail is grown in chick pea(chana). Now its fully charged with protein.    Enjoy it........

There are many ways to make this snack.




                          THANK YOU 
